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Standard First Aid CPR-C & AED with St. John Ambulance

Standard First Aid CPR-C & AED with St. John Ambulance


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Standard First Aid CPR-C & AED (CSA Intermediate) offered through St. John Ambulance

After you purchase this “ticket” please email julie@ccprn.com to select your course date.  You may choose from any open course at either the Morrison Drive or Orleans locations, up to December 31, 2023.  HTTPS://WWW.SJA.CA/EN/FIRST-AID-TRAINING/STANDARD-FIRST-AID-CPR-C-AED?

Course Description: Standard First Aid Level C is for individuals requiring comprehensive information on First Aid and CPR for their workplace, school, or personal interest.  Upon completion, participants receive a certificate valid for 3 years.  Choose either the 2-day in-person course or the blended online + in-person course.  There are no prerequisites for this course.