
Programs for Children FAQs

Everything you need to know about attending our Children's Programs!

If you have any questions about your registration, please feel free to email us at or call the office at 613-749-5211 and speak with Julie, we’re always happy to help!

A reminder e-mail will be sent to you a few days before each event.


  • If you can no longer attend a workshop or event, please let us know by email or by phone. We often have a waiting list, and we sometimes wait to begin until everyone arrives.
  • Please remember that our programs are nut free, therefore we ask that you do not bring any nut products/snacks. Your fellow caregivers and children appreciate your cooperation for everyone’s safety.
  • Please place cell phones on vibrate or silent.
  • The children are modeling after you – when they see you sitting and listening to the presenters and facilitators, they will do it too.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to register, or can I just show up at a children’s program?

Due to limited space at all our locations everyone must register prior to the event.

How do I register?

It’s easy! Simply create an account and then visit our calendar of events to register for the program(s) of your choice.  Click here to create your account.

How many children can I register?

All caregivers are expected to follow current Ontario legislation. Please see Ministry Guidelines for more information.

When can I register for the children’s programs?

As soon as they are listed on the website, visit to see the calendar.

Is there a fee for the programs?

Yes, all programs have a Member (adult membership) and Non-Member fee. Fees are listed on the Calendar of Events and can be seen when you register.

Is there a charge for the adult?

Occasionally. If there is, it will be listed on the event registration page.

Can I cancel my registration?

To change or cancel your registration please email as soon as possible.

Do I need to be a Member to participate in children’s programs?

Anyone can participate in children’s programs; however, everyone must register. To register, you simply create an account on our website, select the Member or Non-Member option and then pay the corresponding fee. To become a member, click here.

Are programs offered in languages other than English?

In some instances, facilitators may run the program in French and English.  In that case, it will be noted in the description of the program. Programs that are offered in French will be written in French.

Can I leave the children at the event to run an errand?

No, children are always the responsibility of the caregiver.  Facilitators of children’s programs are there to facilitate the program only.

Can I suggest a program and/or location?

Certainly!  We try our best to find different, fun and affordable venues for caregivers and their children.  If you know of something that other caregivers and children would enjoy, pass it on to us. As for locations, we would love to give the opportunity to all caregivers across the city to participate in events.  If you know of a location that a lot of caregivers can get to, send us the information and we will look into booking programs at that location as well.

What happens when I get to the program?

A CCPRN facilitator will be there to greet you and the children.  They will explain the activities and set-up. You will be required to sign in when you arrive at the location of the program.

How do I know if the program is suitable for my children?

There is always a brief description of the program which will help you decide if the program is suitable for you and your specific age group.

What happens if it rains during an outdoor program?

If it is pouring rain, the program will be cancelled.  We try to offer a rain date or a refund.

What about winter weather?

If the school buses are cancelled due to bad weather, the program is also cancelled.  You will receive a refund or an alternate date will be arranged.